We improve the use of economical and effectiveness information, and information produced by the patient in decision-making. We research and evaluate the conventions of decision-making in health care organizations and patients care decisions.

The project is implemented by the University of Eastern Finland, Tampere University, University of Oulu and Duodecim
Video: Information literacy in Proshade
Information literacy and shared decision making are a path to effective and quality care decisions of the patients.
Information about the unnecessary or avoidable research and care practices are collected to a Smart to Avoid Recommendations. To support the deployment of these guidelines, we develop instruments on the bases of new knowledge for reducing avoidable practices in health-care units and patients’ care decisions.
We research the information literacy and interaction in shared decision-making of professionals in de-implementation decisions and the planning of individual patients’ care.
We improve the patients’ participation by developing a scalable digital tool to Terveyskylä. Tool is developed on basis of the needs of patients and professionals. Via scalable digital care pathway patients can provide their hopes and experiences about the effects of care to the professional for use of shared decision-making.